The NEW Accredited Online Courses from American TEFL Link Institute are for individuals who want to gain additional skills to help them continue their lifelong learning journey.

Professional 20 Hour Social Media Marketing Course

The Professional 20 Hour Social Media Marketing Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to help you become a Social Media Marketing expert.

> More Details and Course Syllabus

Professional 20 Hour Brand YOU – Building a better CV/Resum

The Professional 20 Hour Brand YOU Building a better CV/Resume Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to help you build your outstanding personal brand and promote yourself.

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Professional 20 Hour Excel 2016 Course

The Professional 20 Hour Excel 2016 Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to help you become an Excel wizard.

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Professional 20 Hour Effective Leadership Course

The Professional 20 Hour Effective Leadership Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to help you become a more effective leader.

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Professional 20 Hour Travel Writing Course

The Professional 20 Hour Travel Writing Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to become an income earning travel writer.

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Professional 20 Hour Blogging Course

The Professional 20 Hour Blogging Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to become an income earning expert blogger.

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Professional 20 Hour Life Coaching Course

The Professional Life Coaching Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes, including marketing skills, to set up your Life Coaching business and help others.

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Professional 20 Hour Starting your Own Business Course

The Professional 20 Hour Starting your Own Business Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to help you start your own business.

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Professional 20 Hour Nutrition, Superfoods and Wellbeing Cou

The Professional 20 Hour Nutrition, Superfoods and Wellbeing Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to become an expert Nutritionist and gain a healthier lifestyle.

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Professional 20 Hour Digital Photography Course

The Professional 20 Hour Digital Photography Course provides you with the necessary skills and attributes to understand your Digital Camera.

> More Details and Course Syllabus

Get Professionally trained and start teaching

American TEFL Link Institute’s teaching experts can advise you on your plans following graduation. Our experts can help you with jobs in China and Korea. Both offer you a real chance to teach, travel and save. Contracts include flights and accommodation.

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Online TEFL course

Course Syllabus

Welcome to the American TEFL Link Institute Online Courses
The Course Content

DROP-DOWN CONTENT: Click each module heading for more information.

Professional 20 Social Media Marketing Course

  • Module Objective
  • So, what is Social Media Marketing?
  • What's in it for you?
  • Solid relationship-building with customers
  • You can reach a bigger and wider audience than traditional marketing
  • A personal touch that other marketing methods cannot match
  • You can run low-cost targeted social ads providing real-time results
  • Drawbacks of, and risks to, successful SMM
  • Module Objective
  • Algorithms
  • Choosing Your Social Networks
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Top Tips for success
  • Pinterest
  • Module Objective
  • Your writing skills
  • Promote your brand at all times
  • Communicate effectively
  • Be creative
  • Research your intended SMM platforms
  • Make the right decision about the platform(s) to use
  • Become Mindful
  • Know and understand the technology and terminology
  • Get to grips with the analytics
  • Be realistic
  • Become reflective
  • Become detail-oriented
  • Learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • Create your SMM vision, values and goals
  • Understand the need to prioritise your strategies
  • Build your community
  • Build relationships with others who count
  • Understand and utilise the Pareto Principle
  • Nurture resilience
  • Network with successful, resilient SMM people
  • Become a good organiser and time manager
  • The customer is king/queen
  • Photographic/ infographic skills
  • Your SMM strategy
  • Module Objective
  • Identify and prioritise the marketing goals you need to achieve
  • Set your marketing objectives
  • Explore the different social media platforms
  • Identify buyer personas and use them
  • Decide on your budget and resources, and then choose your platform(s)
  • Research Your Competition
  • Set your content approach
  • Employ analytics frequently
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Brand YOU – Building a better CV/Resume Course

  • Module Objective
  • A 5-minute snapshot for understanding a Personal Brand
  • What Personal Branding is
  • Personal Branding: it's for everyone
  • Why is there a desperate need for you to Brand Yourself into Brand YOU?
  • Common and dangerous traps and errors when building your Personal Brand
  • Module Objective
  • Resilience
  • Self-awareness
  • Be mindful
  • Step 1: Identify your values
  • Step 2: Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats relating to your Personal Brand
  • Step 3: Identify your talents
  • Step 4: Identify your passions
  • Key reflections re passions
  • Step 5: Identify your niche purpose
  • Module Objective
  • Dress
  • Body language and behaviour
  • Voice
  • Get your name, job title, logo and strapline right
  • Check out your competitors to gain sustainable competitive advantage in your niche market
  • Be able to explain briefly and concisely what you do and offer
  • Tell your story
  • Module Objective
  • First things first: a captivating website
  • Get all your social media platforms up and running, ready for marketing Brand YOU
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Start marketing Brand YOU
  • Look out for speaking events
  • Look out for writing opportunities
  • Nurture Brand YOU - continuously
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Excel 2016 Course

  • Module Objective
  • What Excel is
  • Myriad uses
  • How does it work? What does it look like?
  • Course learning process
  • Module Objective
  • Blank Excel 2016 worksheet with highlights
  • The scenario
  • Your first completed Excel 2016 worksheet
  • Key observations
  • Module Objective
  • Opening your first blank workbook and saving it
  • Adding data
  • Applying Excel formulas via AutoSum
  • Formulas
  • Making your very first formula
  • Learning Styles and charts
  • Module Objective
  • Deleting data
  • Changing a typo
  • Editing numbers in a column
  • Formatting text and cells to suit the style you want
  • Copying and moving data
  • Making a worksheet more visible
  • Hiding (and unhiding) one or more rows or columns
  • Sorting Text
  • True story
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Effective Leadership Course

  • Module Objective
  • Key reflections on leadership Management
  • Leadership
  • Why should you learn about leadership?
  • Putting Leaders and Leadership in context, for this session
  • Models of leadership
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Distributive Leadership
  • Take care with suppositions and surveys about leadership
  • Is there such a thing as a flat organisation?
  • Leading your team
  • Handling followers
  • Developing yourself as a leader
  • You’ll do it your way
  • Your ability to deliver results
  • Module Objective
  • Planning ahead to get it right first time
  • The flaws to avoid
  • Lack of resilience
  • Poor reflective practice
  • Lack of realism
  • Lack of resonance
  • Hierarchical structures
  • Emphasising the short-term, bottom-line priorities over how things are done
  • Individualism
  • What diversity?
  • Let’s go – anywhere
  • Old mindsets rule. OK?
  • Failing to listen
  • Side-stepping the need to grow
  • Like me, please
  • Inability to be decisive
  • Varying values
  • It’s not about YOU
  • Trust
  • Prophets of doom
  • Lack of generosity
  • What development?
  • Module Objective
  • The 4Rs for a Firm Foundation
  • 1. Resilience
  • Key reflections on resilience
  • How can you build your resilience?
  • Mindfulness: Become Mindful
  • Look after yourself
  • Network and network and network
  • Nurture your awareness
  • Not putting it off and off and off and...
  • The dreaded need for certainty
  • Change is an integral part of life
  • Build your mantra
  • Be optimistic
  • Some skills are more important than others
  • 2. Reflection
  • 3. Realism
  • The facts about realism
  • 4. Resonance
  • Further thoughts on leadership models
  • Module Objective
  • You know what 'leadership' means
  • You encourage the creation of a vision the team wants to be part of
  • You always take a wider perspective/see the bigger picture
  • You anticipate and provide for future needs
  • You are self-aware at all times
  • You are aware of the need to continuously self-assess and develop
  • You are a champion of learning and capability development
  • You understand others
  • You understand motivation
  • You understand underlying emotions/patterns of behaviour
  • You know what 'teamwork' really means
  • You know how to heighten performance in others
  • You understand how the business arena fits together and you build relationships and networks of influence beyond the team
  • You know that discussion and feedback are an integral part of the working relationship
  • You know how to evaluate information and make evidence-based decisions
  • You have commercial awareness
  • You think outside the box
  • You excel in communication
  • Listening and observing
  • Speaking
  • You are fully aware of the key characteristics of good spoken communication
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Travel Writing Course

  • Module Objective
  • How do you become a high quality travel writer?
  • The 4 Critical Elements for Success
  • Knowledge
  • Abilities
  • Skills
  • Habits
  • When will you know when you've succeeded?
  • Know how to make a sound decision
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Know how and what to research
  • Read, read, read
  • Check out the competition
  • Keep an eye on your finances
  • Know how to achieve your goal by setting SMART objectives
  • Know everything there is to know about the country/place you will be writing about
  • Know how to write well
  • Know how to get the best out of your camera and produce high quality images
  • Know how to make money from your hard work
  • Know the importance of reflection
  • True Story: Changying
  • Module Objective
  • Keep fit and well
  • Be ready to adjust to the weather
  • Identify and avoid insects and other biting/stinging creatures.
  • See the big picture and give a balanced view
  • Soak up the pressure
  • Be empathic when chatting with others on your travels
  • Be descriptive and non-judgemental
  • Be optimistic
  • Be patient
  • Be curious
  • Listen without judging
  • Ask questions
  • Embrace surprise
  • Make time for it
  • Don't be afraid to admit you don't know something
  • Be motivated
  • You need to be motivated to motivate your readers
  • Everyone can be motivated in some way or another
  • Motivation doesn't last
  • Think outside the box
  • Module Objective
  • Writing Skills
  • Clarity is crucial
  • Work on your tone
  • Use simple sentences and short paragraphs
  • Use a writing frame
  • Let it flow
  • Entice with your title
  • Humour is small doses
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation are fundamental
  • Evaluate your piece (before presenting it to publishers)
  • Seek out help if need be
  • Time management and planning skills
  • Observation skills
  • Influencing skills
  • Blogging skills (potentially)
  • Photographic Skills
  • Networking skills
  • Visibility
  • Credibility
  • Profitability
  • Have the tools to network with you at all times
  • Listen and ask questions
  • Give help whenever possible
  • Manage your time efficiently
  • Follow up!
  • Module Objective
  • Tools at the ready
  • Look after your tools
  • Always have a backup plan
  • Don't look like a tourist
  • Respect national laws at all times
  • Stay fresh
  • Get up early and go to bed early
  • Reflect
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Blogging Course

  • Module Objective
  • So, what is blogging?
  • What do bloggers blog about?
  • But what is Blogging?
  • There are 12 Golden Steps to blogging success
  • Module Objective
  • Step 1: Research
  • Step 2: Decision Making
  • Step 3: Achievement Goal Setting
  • Constructing an effective Goal Setting Strategy for Blogging
  • Step 4: Setting Your Objectives
  • Module Objective
  • Step 5: You need to have excellent writing skills
  • Get the tone right
  • Clarity is key
  • Use simple sentences and short paragraphs
  • Feel the flow
  • The power of rhetorical questions
  • Don't fear being funny
  • Size isn't everything (but sometimes it is)
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation are more important than you think
  • The thesaurus is your friend
  • Don't be afraid to get help
  • Step 6: You need to ensure you have specific and in-depth knowledge of your subject
  • Step 7: You need to grasp the technical know-how
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • The value of Google Analytics
  • Importance of links
  • Making your site attractive and easy to navigate
  • SEO-friendly images
  • Step 8: You need to master some photo-editing skills
  • Module Objective
  • Step 9: You need to brand yourself
  • How to brand yourself
  • Step 10: You need to apply excellent social media networking and marketing skills
  • What is social networking and marketing?
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Preparation, planning and organisation
  • Understanding your target audience
  • Enthusiasm and gentle persuasion
  • Authenticity
  • Generosity
  • Dedication
  • Step 11: You need to ensure your organisational skills are top notch
  • Step 12: You need to choose the best marketplaces for your blogs
  • Hosting ads on your blog
  • Sponsored posts
  • Selling your own products
  • Hiring out your blogging services
  • Offline opportunities
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Life Coaching Course

  • Module Objective
  • Key aims of our Life Coaching course
  • What is Life Coaching?
  • Typical circumstances where a Life Coach can provide help and support
  • What is the role of the Life Coach?
  • What is the role of the client?
  • What is the typical Life Coaching track?
  • What Life Coaching is NOT
  • Module Objective
  • Be mindful at all times
  • Be empathic - always
  • Be an excellent listener
  • Be an excellent questioner
  • Build rapport, a relationship and trust
  • Building a strong relationship
  • Trust
  • Be ethical - always
  • Module Objective
  • The Typical Life Coaching Conversation Track
  • Stage 1: The First Meeting Conversation: Getting To Know You, and Gathering Information Conversation
  • Useful first meeting conversation initial statements
  • Typical first meeting conversation objectives for you
  • Typical track for the first conversation
  • Typical Life Coaching questions at this gathering information stage
  • Stage 2: Setting the context for each conversation
  • Typical Life Coaching Questions at this Stage
  • Stage 3: Creating the coaching climate for each conversation
  • Typical Life Coaching questions at this stage
  • Stage 4: Agreeing a goal for each conversation
  • Typical Life Coaching Questions at this stage
  • Stage 5: Achieving deeper insight and understanding for the coachee (and you)
  • Typical Life Coaching questions at this stage
  • Stage 6: Agreeing actions
  • Typical Life Coaching questions at this stage
  • Stage 7: Closing up
  • Future follow-up conversations
  • Typical Life Coaching questions at the beginning of future conversations
  • Personal rewards system
  • Dealing with difficult clients
  • Just in case
  • The too-talkative client
  • The shy/quiet client
  • Module Objective
  • The Wheel of Life
  • Prioritising: The Big Rocks Step 1
  • Prioritising: The Big Rocks: Step 2
  • Prioritising: The Big Rocks: Step 3
  • Tool 3: First Week Changes
  • Tool 4: Daily Diary
  • Tool 5: Commitment
  • Module Objective
  • Starting your own business
  • Personal branding
  • A captivating website
  • Life Coaching online
  • Certification and Accreditation
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Starting your Own Business Course

  • Module Objective
  • First things first: self-analysis
  • To ensure you succeed, be aware of how you can fail
  • Ten common reasons for business failure
  • Owners' mistakes
  • Poor research and planning
  • Not building their Essential Toolkit for Success before starting up
  • Lack of financial acumen and financial planning
  • Not bringing in an accountant, financial adviser, business adviser, mentor and supporters from the beginning
  • Reaching for the sky? No
  • Taking the eye of the ball: not focussing on profit at all times
  • Disregarding the competition
  • Hiring the wrong people
  • Poor controls
  • Module Objective
  • Essential Financial Skills and Attributes
  • Know and understand key business terminology
  • Know how to carry out an effective strategic analysis of your situation
  • Know how to write an effective business plan
  • Know, understand and apply benchmarking
  • Understand and use strategies to improve profit
  • Understand the need to prioritise your strategies
  • Understand and utilise the Pareto Principle
  • Essential Non-Financial Skills and Attributes
  • Change your mindset
  • Create your business vision, identify values that will underpin it, and define your goals
  • You must always take a wider perspective/see the bigger picture
  • Become Mindful
  • Nurture resilience
  • Become reflective
  • Be realistic
  • Be resonant
  • Network and network and network
  • Enhance your management skills
  • Ensure you communicate effectively - at all times
  • Be empathic/empathetic at all times
  • Market and sell your product/service
  • Module objective
  • Part 1 of your SWOT analysis
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats
  • Part 2 of your SWOT analysis
  • Evaluation and Action
  • Module Objective
  • Constructing your business plan
  • Executive summary
  • The business opportunity
  • Markets and competitors in these markets
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Management and personnel
  • Operations
  • Financial forecasts
  • Risk assessment and intended strategies
  • Your financial requirements
  • Appendices
  • Presenting your plan
  • Module Objective
  • 25 Top Tips for Success
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Nutrition, Superfoods and Wellbeing Course

  • Module Objective
  • What is Nutrition?
  • What is a balanced, nutritional eating pattern?
  • Eat '5-a-day'
  • Protein-rich, vitamin-rich and mineral-rich foods
  • Include some dairy (or dairy alternatives)
  • Reduce the amount of foods high in sugar
  • Choose unsaturated fats
  • Keep hydrated
  • Commit to Learning
  • Macronutrients and Micronutrients
  • Calories and Portion Size
  • Nutrition Matters to Everyone
  • Some salient facts about the world's health
  • Making the nutritional shift
  • Nutrition at different life stages
  • Module Objective
  • Pregnancy
  • Infants
  • School-age Children
  • Teenagers
  • Adults
  • Older people
  • Superfoods
  • Module Objective
  • 9 of the Most 'Popular' Superfoods - The Evidence
  • Hot peppers
  • Blueberries
  • Kale
  • Nuts
  • Goji berries
  • Beetroot
  • Yoghurt
  • Oily fish
  • Other Superfoods to consider
  • The Mediterranean Diet
  • Learning from Okinawa - Land of the Immortals
  • Danger Zone
  • Module Objective
  • The Context
  • Weight gain and Obesity
  • Sugar and Diabetes
  • Salt and your Heart
  • Fat and Cholesterol
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Wellbeing
  • Module Objective
  • What is Wellbeing?
  • How can we ensure our positive wellbeing?
  • Miracle cure?
  • My Story
  • Nutritional and Activity Mantras
  • Commitment
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan

Professional 20 Hour Digital Photography Course

  • Module Objective
  • Key reflections
  • What's that all about?
  • Core Settings
  • Exposure
  • Think light!
  • 'See the light': the natural light
  • Lens aperture
  • Time for reflection
  • Depth of field
  • Shutter speed
  • Camera shake
  • The relationship between shutter speed and lens aperture
  • Time for reflection
  • ISO
  • Low light situations
  • The trade-off: Noise
  • When ISO is, or isn't, a big issue
  • Module Objective
  • Mode Dial
  • Basic Zone
  • Scene Intelligent Auto
  • Flash Off
  • Creative Auto
  • Portrait
  • Landscape
  • Close-Up
  • Sports
  • SCN: Special Scene
  • Creative Zone
  • P: Program AE
  • Tv: Shutter priority
  • Av: Aperture priority
  • M: Manual Exposure
  • Other Important Settings
  • Shooting in raw
  • White Balance
  • Histogram
  • Module Objective
  • Think composition!
  • See the light: as emphasised in Module 1
  • Take a closer look before you shoot
  • Think vertical!
  • Try different viewpoints
  • Use a leading line
  • Frame it!
  • Where's it going?
  • Break the symmetry for a change
  • Crop intrusions
  • Create a sense of depth
  • Rule of Thirds
  • Module Objective
  • Lenses
  • Focal length
  • Types of lenses
  • Standard Lenses
  • Macro Lenses
  • Telephoto Lenses
  • Wide - Angle Lenses
  • Module Objective
  • Flash Tips
  • Module Objective
  • Tips for panoramas in the morning or evening
  • Get The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE) app
  • Choose the right lens
  • Remember: Think light!
  • Read the landscape
  • Use a tripod
  • Go manual: maximise the depth of field
  • Check the white balance
  • Consider the Rule of Thirds: maybe yes, maybe no
  • Most importantly: stay safe!
  • True Story
  • Tips for portrait shoots
  • Choose the right lens
  • Experiment with lighting
  • Use a flashgun remotely
  • Take some candid, non-posed shots
  • Group portraits
  • Background
  • Increase your ISO
  • Be creative
  • Use a reflector
  • Use fill flash on sunny days
  • Go horizontal
  • Portraits for children
  • Tips for night photography
  • The 'starbust' effect
  • A rough guide to settings in low-light
  • Tips for sports/action photography
  • Niche Shots
  • Module Objective
  • Canon EOS Rebel SL1 / Canon EOS 100D
  • Nikon D3300
  • Canon EOS Rebel T6i / Canon EOS 750D
  • Take the End of Course Assessment and get rewarded with your Accredited Certificate
  • Constantly develop yourself
  • American TEFL Link Institute
  • My Five-Point Personal Development Plan


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