The Accredited Online TEFL Courses from TEFL Fullcircle are for individuals who have no previous teaching experience. Teachers from other disciplines can also take our courses to enable them to teach English abroad.

You can choose between the 120 Hour 17 Module Course or the 2 in 1
160 Hour Course, which offers you 2 Courses and 2 Certificates for a 2 in 1 price.

Complete your Accredited 120 Hour Online TEFL Course and get your 120 Hour Certificate and then complete your 40 Hour Course and receive a 160 Hour Certificate. You get 2 Certificates for 1 amazing price.

You can now choose our New Specialist Accredited 40 Hour Teaching English Online Course. Become an expert at Teaching English Online and Work Anywhere.

Master 150-Hour Online TEFL Course

The Master150 Hour Online TEFL provides you with 26 outstanding modules. Youll learn how to understand your learners, the importance of context, lesson planning, teaching skills, assessment and reflection. The 150 Hour also includes a specialist secti

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Professional 120-Hour Online TEFL Course

The Professional 120 Hour Online TEFL provides you with 17 outstanding modules. Youll learn how to understand your learners, the importance of context, lesson planning, teaching skills, assessment and reflection.

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Professional 40 Hour Teaching English Online Course

The Professional 40 Hour Teaching English Online Course provides you with the Specialist Skills and Knowledge you need to teach English online. This course will give you the most practical skills and techniques to be a truly professional online teacher.

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Get Professionally trained and start teaching

American TEFL Link Institute’s teaching experts can advise you on your plans following graduation. Our experts can help you with jobs in China and Korea. Both offer you a real chance to teach, travel and save. Contracts include flights and accommodation.

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Online TEFL course

Course Syllabus

Welcome to the American TEFL Link Institute TEFL Course
The Course Content

DROP-DOWN CONTENT: Click each module heading for more information.

American TEFL Link Institute 120 Hour Professional TEFL Course

  • Unit 1: English Language Characteristics
  • Unit 2: Items Learners of English find difficult
  • Unit 3: L1 and L2 Learning and Video 2
  • Unit 4: Teaching Methodologies
  • Unit 5: What is the Communicative Approach and Video 3?
  • Unit 6: The Fundamentals of Teaching
  • Unit 7: A few Teaching Techniques and Video 4
  • Unit 8: The Importance of a Learner's Background and Video 5
  • Unit 9: The Importance of Learner's Motivations
  • Unit 10: Motivation Activity
  • Unit 11: A Learner's Level and Literacy
  • Unit 12: Discover the Role and Responsibilities of a TEFL Teacher and Video 6
  • Unit 13: How to become an Outstanding Teacher and Video 7
  • Unit 1: Managing Expectations and Video 8
  • Unit 2: What are the Roles of Learners and Teachers
  • Unit 3: Pattern of Classroom Activity
  • Unit 4: The Behaviour of a Teacher
  • Unit 5: Behaviour at the Site of Instruction
  • Unit 6: Impulsiveness/Reflection
  • Unit 7: Proxemics
  • Unit 8: Volume
  • Unit 9: Eye Contact
  • Unit 10: Plan Ahead
  • Unit 1: Organising your Classroom
  • Unit 2: Communication and Giving Instructions
  • Unit 3: Board Work
  • Unit 4: Creating Excellent Displays
  • Unit 5: Planning the Seating
  • Unit 6: Making Clear Rules and Video 9
  • Unit 7: The Best Motivation is Praise and Positive Language
  • Unit 8: Building Rapport with your Learners and Video 10
  • Unit 9: Other Teaching Aids Available
  • Unit 10: Asking the right Concept Checking Questions
  • Unit 11: How to use Modelling Effectively
  • Unit 12: Drilling
  • Unit 13: How do you Monitor your Students
  • Unit 14: The Trade-Off between Error Correction and Feedback
  • Unit 15: Control in the Classroom and Problems and Video 11
  • Unit 16: Motivating your Students
  • Unit 17: Looking after your Students
  • Unit 18: Teaching Materials and Resources
  • Unit 19: Testing and Assessment
  • Unit 20: Top Tips
  • Unit 1: Parts of Speech
  • Unit 2: Adjectives
  • Unit 3: Adverbs
  • Unit 4: Conjunctions
  • Unit 5: Determiners
  • Unit 6: Interjections
  • Unit 7: Prepositions and Video 12
  • Unit 8: Nouns and Video 13
  • Unit 9: Pronouns
  • Unit 10: Verbs and Video 14
  • Unit 11: Subject and Object
  • Unit 12: Gerunds
  • Unit 13: Comparatives and Superlatives
  • Unit 14: Numbers
  • Unit 15: Other Grammar Basics
  • Unit 16: Infinitive
  • Unit 17: Auxiliary Verbs and Video 15
  • Unit 18: Present Participle
  • Unit 19: Past Participle
  • Unit 1: Summary of Verb Tenses and Video 16
  • Unit 2: Present Structures
  • Unit 3: Past Structures
  • Unit 4: Future Structures
  • Unit 5: Other Verb Structures
  • Unit 1: Pre-Planning Stages
  • Unit 2: Teaching Methodologies
  • Unit 3: Timetable and Classroom
  • Unit 4: Are your students young learners, teenagers or adults and Video 17?
  • Unit 5: Teaching different age groups and Video 18
  • Unit 6: Teaching different levels
  • Unit 7: The Importance of Class Size
  • Unit 8: The Importance Differentiation and Video 19
  • Unit 9: Learning Styles
  • Unit 10: Discovering Learning Styles
  • Unit 11: SMART Aims and Objectives
  • Unit 12: What kind of problems can you expect
  • Unit 13: Pre-Planning Stage Lesson Plan
  • Unit 1: Stages of the PPP Technique and Video 20
  • Unit 2: How much time do I need?
  • Unit 3: PPP
  • Unit 4: What are Warmers and Coolers?
  • Unit 5: Presentation Stage
  • Unit 6: Controlled Practice Stage
  • Unit 7: Production Stage
  • Unit 8: End of the Lesson
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Grammar and Video 21
  • Unit 3: Form
  • Unit 4: Meaning
  • Unit 5: Pronunciation and Video 22
  • Unit 6: Concept Checking
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Vocabulary and Video 23
  • Unit 3: Meaning
  • Unit 4: Usage
  • Unit 5: Form
  • Unit 6: Pronunciation
  • Unit 7: Concept Checking Questions
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Phonology
  • Unit 3: Drilling
  • Unit 4: Phonemic Chart and how to use it?
  • Unit 5: Spelling and Phonology and Video 24
  • Unit 6: Stress and Intonation
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Speaking and Video 25
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Choosing Writing Material and Video 26
  • Unit 3: Teaching Writing
  • Unit 4: Checking Writing
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Choosing a Listening Activity and Video 27
  • Unit 3: Teaching Listening
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Choosing a Reading Activity and Video 28
  • Unit 3: Teaching Reading
  • Unit 1: Key Principles of Assessment and Video 29
  • Unit 2: Correctness versus appropriateness and Video 30
  • Unit 3: Standardisation
  • Unit 4: Summative and Formative Assessment
  • Unit 5: Test Compilation
  • Unit 6: Need Analysis and Baseline Testing and Video 31
  • Unit 7: Assessment
  • Unit 8: Testing Progress and Video 32
  • Unit 9: Global English Tests
  • Unit 1: How to build a Wikispaces Site
  • Unit 2: Setting up a Blog and Video 33
  • Unit 3: Using Skype in the Classroom and Video 34
  • Unit 4: Using Twitter and Facebook and Video 35
  • Unit 1: Teaching Different Group Sizes
  • Unit 2: One-to-One
  • Unit 3: Teaching Business English and Video 36
  • Unit 1: Reflection and Video 37

American TEFL Link Institute 150 Hour Professional TEFL Course

  • Unit 1: English Language Characteristics
  • Unit 2: Items Learners of English find difficult
  • Unit 3: L1 and L2 Learning and Video 2
  • Unit 4: Teaching Methodologies
  • Unit 5: What is the Communicative Approach and Video 3?
  • Unit 6: The Fundamentals of Teaching
  • Unit 7: A few Teaching Techniques and Video 4
  • Unit 8: The Importance of a Learner's Background and Video 5
  • Unit 9: The Importance of Learner's Motivations
  • Unit 10: Motivation Activity
  • Unit 11: A Learner's Level and Literacy
  • Unit 12: Discover the Role and Responsibilities of a TEFL Teacher and Video 6
  • Unit 13: How to become an Outstanding Teacher and Video 7
  • Unit 1: Managing Expectations and Video 8
  • Unit 2: What are the Roles of Learners and Teachers
  • Unit 3: Pattern of Classroom Activity
  • Unit 4: The Behaviour of a Teacher
  • Unit 5: Behaviour at the Site of Instruction
  • Unit 6: Impulsiveness/Reflection
  • Unit 7: Proxemics
  • Unit 8: Volume
  • Unit 9: Eye Contact
  • Unit 10: Plan Ahead
  • Unit 1: Organising your Classroom
  • Unit 2: Communication and Giving Instructions
  • Unit 3: Board Work
  • Unit 4: Creating Excellent Displays
  • Unit 5: Planning the Seating
  • Unit 6: Making Clear Rules and Video 9
  • Unit 7: The Best Motivation is Praise and Positive Language
  • Unit 8: Building Rapport with your Learners and Video 10
  • Unit 9: Other Teaching Aids Available
  • Unit 10: Asking the right Concept Checking Questions
  • Unit 11: How to use Modelling Effectively
  • Unit 12: Drilling
  • Unit 13: How do you Monitor your Students
  • Unit 14: The Trade-Off between Error Correction and Feedback
  • Unit 15: Control in the Classroom and Problems and Video 11
  • Unit 16: Motivating your Students
  • Unit 17: Looking after your Students
  • Unit 18: Teaching Materials and Resources
  • Unit 19: Testing and Assessment
  • Unit 20: Top Tips
  • Unit 1: Parts of Speech
  • Unit 2: Adjectives
  • Unit 3: Adverbs
  • Unit 4: Conjunctions
  • Unit 5: Determiners
  • Unit 6: Interjections
  • Unit 7: Prepositions and Video 12
  • Unit 8: Nouns and Video 13
  • Unit 9: Pronouns
  • Unit 10: Verbs and Video 14
  • Unit 11: Subject and Object
  • Unit 12: Gerunds
  • Unit 13: Comparatives and Superlatives
  • Unit 14: Numbers
  • Unit 15: Other Grammar Basics
  • Unit 16: Infinitive
  • Unit 17: Auxiliary Verbs and Video 15
  • Unit 18: Present Participle
  • Unit 19: Past Participle
  • Unit 1: Summary of Verb Tenses and Video 16
  • Unit 2: Present Structures
  • Unit 3: Past Structures
  • Unit 4: Future Structures
  • Unit 5: Other Verb Structures
  • Unit 1: Pre-Planning Stages
  • Unit 2: Teaching Methodologies
  • Unit 3: Timetable and Classroom
  • Unit 4: Are your students young learners, teenagers or adults and Video 17?
  • Unit 5: Teaching different age groups and Video 18
  • Unit 6: Teaching different levels
  • Unit 7: The Importance of Class Size
  • Unit 8: The Importance Differentiation and Video 19
  • Unit 9: Learning Styles
  • Unit 10: Discovering Learning Styles
  • Unit 11: SMART Aims and Objectives
  • Unit 12: What kind of problems can you expect
  • Unit 13: Pre-Planning Stage Lesson Plan
  • Unit 1: Stages of the PPP Technique and Video 20
  • Unit 2: How much time do I need?
  • Unit 3: PPP
  • Unit 4: What are Warmers and Coolers?
  • Unit 5: Presentation Stage
  • Unit 6: Controlled Practice Stage
  • Unit 7: Production Stage
  • Unit 8: End of the Lesson
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Grammar and Video 21
  • Unit 3: Form
  • Unit 4: Meaning
  • Unit 5: Pronunciation and Video 22
  • Unit 6: Concept Checking
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Vocabulary and Video 23
  • Unit 3: Meaning
  • Unit 4: Usage
  • Unit 5: Form
  • Unit 6: Pronunciation
  • Unit 7: Concept Checking Questions
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Phonology
  • Unit 3: Drilling
  • Unit 4: Phonemic Chart and how to use it?
  • Unit 5: Spelling and Phonology and Video 24
  • Unit 6: Stress and Intonation
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Teaching Speaking and Video 25
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Choosing Writing Material and Video 26
  • Unit 3: Teaching Writing
  • Unit 4: Checking Writing
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Choosing a Listening Activity and Video 27
  • Unit 3: Teaching Listening
  • Unit 1: Lesson Structure
  • Unit 2: Choosing a Reading Activity and Video 28
  • Unit 3: Teaching Reading
  • Unit 1: Key Principles of Assessment and Video 29
  • Unit 2: Correctness versus appropriateness and Video 30
  • Unit 3: Standardisation
  • Unit 4: Summative and Formative Assessment
  • Unit 5: Test Compilation
  • Unit 6: Need Analysis and Baseline Testing and Video 31
  • Unit 7: Assessment
  • Unit 8: Testing Progress and Video 32
  • Unit 9: Global English Tests
  • Unit 1: How to build a Wikispaces Site
  • Unit 2: Setting up a Blog and Video 33
  • Unit 3: Using Skype in the Classroom and Video 34
  • Unit 4: Using Twitter and Facebook and Video 35
  • Unit 1: Teaching Different Group Sizes
  • Unit 2: One-to-One
  • Unit 3: Teaching Business English and Video 36
  • Unit 1: Reflection and Video 37
  • Unit 1: Definition of Young Learners
  • Unit 2: TEYL Teaching situations
  • Unit 3: Teaching Abroad
  • Unit 4: The Future is Lifelong Learning
  • Unit 1: Theories of Learning and Development
  • Unit 2: Learning and Development Theory 1
  • Unit 3: Learning and Development Theory 2
  • Unit 4: Learning and Development Theory 3
  • Unit 5: Learning and Development Theory 4
  • Unit 6: Key Learning Principles
  • Unit 7: Asking for help
  • Unit 8: Teaching Outside
  • Unit 1: Language 1 Formation
  • Unit 2: The Importance of Understanding L1 Acquisition
  • Unit 3: Different Behaviours
  • Unit 1: Lesson Planning
  • Unit 2: Projects
  • Unit 3: Key Points
  • Unit 4: Build a Strong Foundation
  • Unit 5: Listening and its Sub-Skills
  • Unit 6: Strategies
  • Unit 7: Active Listening
  • Unit 8: Supporting Listening
  • Unit 9: Structuring Listening Lessons
  • Unit 10: Total Physical Response
  • Unit 11: Listening Activities for Younger Learners
  • Unit 12: Listening Activities for Older Learners
  • Unit 13: Listening Games
  • Unit 1: Speaking Skills
  • Unit 2: Getting your Learners Speaking
  • Unit 3: Phonology
  • Unit 4: Strategies
  • Unit 5: Phonemic Awareness
  • Unit 6: Activities
  • Unit 7: Speaking Skills Strategies
  • Unit 8: Speaking Activities for Younger Learners
  • Unit 9: Speaking Activities for Older Learners
  • Unit 10: Speaking Games
  • Unit 1: Key Points
  • Unit 2: Punctuation
  • Unit 3: Spelling
  • Unit 4: Types of Writing
  • Unit 5: Writing for a Purpose
  • Unit 6: Writing Approaches and Processes
  • Unit 7: Macro and Micro Skills
  • Unit 8: Strategies
  • Unit 9: Writing Activities for Younger Learners
  • Unit 10: Writing Activities for Older Learners
  • Unit 11: Some Writing Activities And Exercises
  • Unit 1: Key Points
  • Unit 2: Reading Sub-Skills
  • Unit 3: Why do we read?
  • Unit 4: Who does the Reading?
  • Unit 5: Choosing a Class Book
  • Unit 6: Preparation
  • Unit 7: Teaching Reading
  • Unit 8: Reading Activities with Younger Learners
  • Unit 9: Reading Activities with Older Learners
  • Unit 10: Structuring a Lesson
  • Unit 11:Exercises/Activities
  • Unit 1: The Advantages of a good Book
  • Unit 2: What creates an appealing book?
  • Unit 3: Choosing a Class Book
  • Unit 4: Strategies
  • Unit 5: Activities

American TEFL Link Institute 40 Hour Professional Teaching English Online Course

  • Unit 1: Understanding and defining Teaching Online
  • Unit 2: Discovering the benefits to you from teaching EFL online
  • Unit 3: Discovering the benefits to students from being taught EFL online
  • Unit 4: Creating intrinsic motivation and lifelong learning
  • Unit 5: Two main platforms and approaches: How it works
  • True Story
  • Unit 1: Setting up and feeling confident with Technology
  • Unit 2: Prevention and Fixing Issues with ease
  • Unit 3: Prevention in just a few easy steps
  • Unit 4: How to keep your Technology up to date
  • Unit 5: Backup plans and dealing with the unexpected
  • True Story
  • Unit 1: Relationships, rapport and your online community
  • Unit 2: The Start of the lesson is essential
  • Unit 3: Lesson scaffolding: Learn the Scaffolding approach with ease
  • Unit 4: Grammar confidence
  • Unit 5: Recycling new vocabulary
  • Unit 6: Concept Checking Questions: (CCQs)
  • Unit 7: Error Correction
  • Unit 8: Maximise learner participation and engagement
  • Unit 9: What's best for beginners
  • True Story
  • Unit 1: How to feel confident in your new role
  • Unit 2: Preparation is key
  • Unit 3: Rehearsal is important; we’ll teach you how!
  • Unit 4: Time Management will help you
  • Unit 5: Learners need authentic conversation
  • Unit 6: Having fun and getting everyone to relax
  • Unit 7: What happens if students can't see you
  • Unit 8: Good Communication
  • Unit 9: Lost for words
  • Unit 10: Empathy and the key to success
  • Unit 11: Being Culturally aware at all times
  • True Story
  • Unit 1: Key points for the future
  • Unit 2: Lifelong Learning and CPD
  • True Story


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